Lawn Pest Control

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Lawn Pest Control

There are two nuisance pests that can potentially cause serious damage to lawns in the UK. The Chafer Grub and Leatherjacket (Daddy-longlegs). These grubs live in the soil beneath the lawn and feed on the root system of the lawn. This can cause major damage to the lawn.

They also draw destructive visitors to your garden such as foxes, badgers and birds which love to feed on the grubs but cause a lot of damage whilst digging, especially badgers.

Leatherjackets are the larvae of crane flies or daddy-longlegs as we know them. During September they lay eggs on your lawn, the resultant larvae - Leatherjackets, feast on the roots and young shoots causing major damage!

Chafer Grubs are creamy coloured, about 15mm (0.6”) in length with distinct legs. Chafer beetles emerge from lawns and lay eggs, which hatch into grubs feeding on the grass roots. They burrow deeper for winter and lie dormant before surfacing in spring to emerge as beetles.

Depending on the severity of the infestation and the lifecycle of the grubs, we offer several effective solutions.

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