Lawn Over-seeding

Call 0776 6077341 for help with your lawn treatments 

Lawn Over-seeding

Lawn over-seeding is the process of spreading new grass seed over your lawn to thicken up the grass and minimise the spaces for weeds and moss to take hold. 

Grass plant reproduction slows down after approximately four to five years, therefore as the grass ages, it becomes tired. Younger seed types are therefore essential for higher quality lawns.

Annual over-seeding compensates for the natural slow down of the turfs reproduction rate and will ensure your lawn stays thick and dense.

Over-seeding with a variety of different seed species can be carried out in September or early spring, particularly after you have scarified, aerated or top dressed your lawn. 

If you need to overseed a new lawn, reseed or help with overseeding in general and are in the Birmingham, Redditch or Bromsgrove areas then get in touch.

Benefits of overseeding your lawn
  • Injecting new grass into your law will thicken it up and help with resistance to disease and drought
  • It will give a more even colour all over
  • Helps to thicken older, tired lawns
  • Helps to recover from scarification treatments more quickly
Application time – March to May and September to October dependent on conditions
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